High Definition Component Analyzer

HDCA - High Definition Component Analyzer

The recent High Definition Component Analyzer (HDCA) from Zepren Solutions  starts to be a must for characterizing passive optical devices with the highest resolution and wavelength accuracy, the fastest measurement time and largest dynamic range. The spectra profile of insertion losses (IL), return losses (RL) and polarization dependent losses (PDL) of passive optical devices can be measured with femtometric resolution and fully automated.

HDCA is the ideal tool for manufacturers and developers of next generation passive components, including ring resonators, arrayed waveguide grating (AWG), quantum chips, wavelength selective switches (WSS), fiber Bragg gratings (FBG), photonic integrated circuits (PIC), or any Ultra-DWDM network components.

Software Features

Peak and notch analysis

Allows to fully characterise the spectral lines of your DUT and export the data to a csv file.

IRL and RL measurement

Swept insertion loss (IL) and return loss (RL) measurements can be performed on optical components.

PDL measurement

Relies on the four-states Mueller method to perform Polarization Dependent Losses measurements.

DUT automatic trace analysis

Allows spectral characterization of common optical device (i.e. DWDM, AWG, MZI, FBG...) parameters.

TE & TM spectra resolving

Thanks to the Mueller matrix calculus, the TE&TM spectra can be displayed.

Dual-channel polarization

Allow seeing the separate orthogonal polarization components of the signal simultaneously.

Hardware features

Easy automation

Control your BOSA remotely through GPIB or Ethernet using SCPI commands.


Robust enough to work fulltime during a week.

Easy programming

Compatible with main programming languages: Labview, Python and Matlab.


HDCA series 3

HDCA series 3 option 100

BOSA and HDCA Catalog

BOSA and HDCA are commercialized in exclusive by ZEPREN Solutions S.L.

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